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Embracing Your Journey: Finding Calm in the Midst of Infertility

Alex Lynne Moore holding hand up to sun

As someone who has gone through the process of fertility treatments and struggled for years before conceiving, I understand firsthand what it's like to feel isolated, ashamed, and alone. It can be especially difficult on days like Mother's Day when the absence of a child is felt more acutely. I remember how hard it was to get through those days and the insensitive comments that made it even worse. One Mother’s Day (at church, of all places), a woman said to me, “I would say Happy Mother’s Day to you, but you’re not a mother.” This statement came from a woman who knew that I had just lost the life growing inside of me (again). I felt so much shame, sadness, and isolation.

This was my reality for six years. Each year that passed was a cold reminder that still my baby’s clothes would stay neatly folded in her drawers, toys would continue to be untouched, and the pregnancy jeans would remain folded up (unless I did wear them but lost your pregnancy, so I had to put them away again for now). My journey towards conceiving was long and difficult, filled with days where the absence of a baby loomed over me like a dark cloud. I felt ashamed and guilty, blaming myself for not being able to do what comes naturally to so many others. The stress and anxiety of it all took a toll on my mental health.

But the one thing that kept me going was self-care. It's important to take care of ourselves during these tough times. To remind ourselves that we are still worthy of love and attention, even if we can't conceive. This means taking time for ourselves, indulging in our favorite activities, and finding support from like-minded individuals.

I want you to know that you are not alone in this journey. I'm here to offer hope, love, and support to all women experiencing infertility. Don't give up on your dream of having a child. Lean on trusted friends and family, and know that we are here for you.

That's why I created a private Facebook group, Fertility Infused Hope & Healing designed to help women share their feelings and connect with peers who can offer support and love through those tough times. In this group, women can find a community of people who understand what they're going through and can offer words of encouragement when they need it the most.

Additionally, I invite you to join me for a unique private Infused Restorative Yoga session - an immersive and healing practice that connects the mind, body, and soul. This practice will offer a sense of peace and hope, allowing you to celebrate and love yourself again. Through this practice, we can nourish ourselves from within and find the strength to keep moving forward.

No matter where you are in your journey, find comfort in knowing that help is here. You are not alone. Together, we can get through this and make our dreams a reality. I'm here to offer my support and love to all women going through infertility.

Locking arms with you in love,


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